Knowledge Base

Unlock the full potential of the CallFluent app by mastering earning strategies, team management, slashing prevention, boosting, bonuses, and the halving process.

CALL Token

Boost your CallFluent experience

Learn how to earn coins, manage your team, prevent slashing, increase your earnings, enjoy bonuses, and understand the halving process.


Earn coins by tapping the CallFluent button daily, extending sessions early, and using days off. Discover strategies to stay active and maximize your earnings.


Invite friends to join your team and earn 500 CALL for each new member, plus a 25% bonus for each referral who is mining in the same time with you.


Maintain activity to avoid slashing, which happens if you have over 5,000 CALL coins and become inactive. Find out how to upgrade and disable slashing.


Use ICE coins to upgrade your level and unlock bonuses and features. Follow the instructions to complete upgrades and protect yourself against slashing.


Learn how to earn and maximize your bonuses for referrals, levels, achievements, and social media engagement, ranging from 25% to 625%.


Your earning rate starts at 16 CALL tokens per hour and halves weekly over seven weeks, ensuring a fair distribution and a controlled coin supply.


Earn CALL coins by tapping the CallFluent button in the app every 24 hours. This activates the mining process, enabling you to collect coins over time. Consistent engagement guarantees ongoing earnings..




